Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the class sizes?
A: Each class is capped at 10 students, to encourage greater connection between students and provide opportunity for more individualized attention and instruction.
Q: What type of curriculum is being taught?
A: We have carefully selected an evidence-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum that engages kids with multisensory activities. Kids are taught basic academic foundations of literacy, math, and science that they are then able to explore and build on independently. Adding in a heaping dose of imaginative play, Bible lessons, music, movement, and art makes for a fun, full morning!
Q: What activities will they be doing each day?
A: Each morning includes circle time, academics, large motor/P.E., music, and Free Choice Learning Centers. Free Choice Learning Centers include (but are not limited to): dramatic play area, block area, art area, science area, quiet/book area, sensory area, fine motor/math manipulatives, writing, music, and movement. They will be changed frequently to reflect the themes we are studying, as well as seasons and holidays.
Q: Will they have a snack time?
A: Yes, each month parents will receive a calendar detailing when their child's turn is to be leader of the day. The leader of the day gets to bring and pass out snacks for the class, be line leader to/from our large motor time, help with the calendar at circle time, and bring show and tell. If there are any allergies in the class, that information will be communicated to families to help with planning appropriate snacks.
Q: Do we need to be Christians or members of Sound Life Church to enroll our child in Sound Life Christian Preschool?
A: No, you do not. However, we do teach from a biblical worldview and incorporate daily Bible lessons, prayer, and Christian music into the classroom as well as celebrate Christian holidays with our themes. We ask that all families allow their child to fully participate in all activities.